The Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is the Public Campus Ministry of the Ontario Conference that works directly with, and out of the office of Pastor John Scott, the Ontario Conference's Director for Youth, Young Adult & ACF Ministries.
ACF Ontario Spring Retreat
Attention students on public campuses! You are invited to...
The Ontario Conference Youth Ministries is holding the following events.
Deep Dive Forum
The Young Adult Ministry will host the next Deep Dive Forum Sabbath, May 7, 2022, 10:00 am - 11:00 am via Zoom. Zoom login details to join the forum:
Youth Leaders' Virtual Townhall
ALL youth & young adult leaders...
Calibrate Youth Ministries Convention, February 4-6, 2022, is a biennial event for youth/young adult leaders. The theme is, "Adaptive Leadership, Organization & Culture", and the keynote speaker is, Ranela Kaligithi, Adventist lay preacher and mental health counselor/therapist.
The training weekend is for all youth/young adult leaders, youth/young adult Sabbath School...
Update: January 8, 2021
Registration is now opened at
Update: December 16, 2021
Original text: November 1st, 2021
Adventist Christian Fellowship clubs in Canada will lead a nationwide emphasis on sharing and witnessing on public campuses. The event will take place on January 14 and 15, 2022. More details will follow.
The Thrive Together Summit will be held virtually November 19-20, 2021, with Pastor Jonathan Osorio, the keynote speaker. The theme for the weekend is: "Identity: Authentic faith in a secular world". Admission is FREE. This 3rd-annual Summit will include engaging discussions, worship services, leaders' forum and social interaction. It is intended...