Midweek Prayer Meeting

And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. – 1 John 5:14 (NLT)

Due to the latest COVID-19 guidelines, we had to cancel prayer meetings at the church. We are now glad to announce that we are resuming them on our teleconference platform. Please join us on Wednesday at 7.00 pm. You can use the link (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/962140258) or call (647) 374-4685 or (647) 558-0588, then enter the meeting number 962 140 258.

2020 Report

The Prayer Ministries’ mission is to provide a holistic environment where members intercede and petition for the church families and others.

Prayer Ministries is a compassionate ministry that supports members through the various life cycles.

Since COVID-19 has suspended in-person worship, the mid-week prayer service has seen a growth, whereas many as 25 homes are joining every Wednesday night.  These sessions are led by the Willowdale Pastors and Elders.

The Prayer and Fast program is held every first Sabbath of the month.  Since COVID-19 the program is being held on Zoom.

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