All Seniors are cordially invited to a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, November 17th, at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The RSVP deadline is November 11th. Please speak to Sue, Andrew, Ava, or Janet at the church office.
The Ontario Conference Seniors' Department has a Sight & Sound trip scheduled for September 9-11. If you are serious about joining, you can get a registration form from June Felix today during the Senior’s Appreciation potluck, after service.
The Seniors' Ministries will have an appreciation lunch on Sabbath, July 27, after the worship service. If you would like to attend, please bring fruits, salads, or desserts to share.
The Ontario Conference is organizing a virtual dementia support group that will meet on Zoom from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. every last Sunday of each month starting from August 25, 2024.
Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 960 0199 2405
Password: support