Tag: Stewardship Ministries

Stewardship Week Of Revival 2021

The Stewardship Week Of Revival 2021 will take place from November 27 to December 4, 2021. Please, find below a letter from the Conference about the event.

Resource and Webinars on Stewardship

Stewardship Resource “The Adventist Journey: Inspiration and Information for North America” (SEP 2021), “The Dynamic Steward” – September Issue (Uplifting Generosity During A Global Crisis), Fundraising Resources and Training Videos – go to http://philanthropicservice.com/ (NAD/PSI) STEWARDSHIP OFFERTORY DEVOTIONAL VIDEO LINK: For Sabbath of September...

Stewardship Resources

Here are resources to help us be better stewards. SUBSCRIBE TO FINANCIAL LITERACY NEWSLETTER GOVERNMENT OF CANADA: https://itools-ioutils.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/Newsletters-BulletinElectroniques/FinLitNewsletter-LitFinBulletin-eng.aspx e-LEARNING VIDEO ON FINANCE FOR OUR CHURCH MEMBERS #1 Understanding Credit by FCAC (Financial Consumer Agency of Canada) Video Learning Link: https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/financial-basics/financial-basics-videos/financial-basics-video-credit.html FREE WEBINARS...

The StewPot Volume 26, Issue 5 – May 2021

Please find below the May edition of the StewPot, a publication on stewardship distributed by the Ontario Conference.

Free Webinars on Stewardship

The Ontario Conference is recommending the following webinars on stewardship. Webinar #1: 10 Steps To Retire Without Debt Participants will learn about debt elimination options so that they can enter their golden years without the shackles of debt. Date and Time: April 19, 2021 | Monday, 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM PDT (or 8:00 PM to...

