Tag: Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Youth Ministries Event in October and November

Here's a list of upcoming events from the Youth Ministry of the Ontario Conference. ACF EMPHASIS WEEKEND - October 16-17, 2020 ALL students studying at Ontario's public campuses are invited to attend this live 2-day event Featured on AYO YouTube https://www.youtube.com/adventistyouthontario See promo...

CESSNA’s Dedication Ceremony

Ontario Conference Administration is pleased to invite you all to watch a live stream of the dedication ceremony of the long-awaited Ontario Conference Cessna, which will be serving the Indigenous community’s health and humanitarian needs in NW Ontario, Canada. We apologize for the short notice due to the unstable weather...

Conference Morning Prayer Session – October 10, 2020

Maria McClean invites us to a session of praying and sharing. Indeed, the director of Health and Prayer Ministries at the Conference is organizing this recurring meeting. Each session takes place on Sabbath, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. This week will be a presentation by Richard Birkett entitled On the frontlines...

Conference Morning Prayer Session – September 26, 2020

Maria McClean invites us to a session of praying and sharing. Indeed, the director of Health and Prayer Ministries at the Conference is organizing this recurring meeting. Each session takes place on Sabbath, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. This week will be a presentation by Dr. Emily Shay, MD, Infectious...

Men’s Virtual Missional Groups to Start Oct 4

As was shared with you last week, we are embarking on this journey of discovery, accountability, and camaraderie as we seek out the true meaning of being a Godly man. We would like to extend this invitation for you to join us as we journey through the 33 Series. Listed...

