Update, January 22, 2021
The Men's Empowerment Series will take place on January 25.
Original Text, January 9, 2021
On the final Monday of each month, the Ontario Conference will be diving into some topics that will not only inspire men but also empower us to be the Men God has called...
The 2020 Virtual Summit on Abuse (November 13) will provide valuable training that will equip and prepare you for when abuse occurs. You can make a difference. The 2020 keynote speaker will be Mary Demuth, author of “WeToo: How the Church can respond redemptively to the sexual abuse crisis." Click here to learn more about her.
As was shared with you last week, we are embarking on this journey of discovery, accountability, and camaraderie as we seek out the true meaning of being a Godly man.
We would like to extend this invitation for you to join us as we journey through the 33 Series. Listed...
Starting this September, the Men’s Ministry team at the Ontario Conference will be starting bi-weekly online Life Groups called the Game Plan on Sunday morning at 7:30 AM. Their hope is to study God’s Word, discuss real-life, and grow together. Also, on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM, they will...
The planned online Men's Ministries Retreat program will be postponed. The Men Ministry leadership team agreed it was best not to compromise the experience by doing it online. The retreat will be rescheduled to a later date, more details to follow. The goal of the Men Ministry team is...