Men’s Virtual Missional Groups to Start Oct 4

One Room for Rent

As was shared with you last week, we are embarking on this journey of discovery, accountability, and camaraderie as we seek out the true meaning of being a Godly man.

We would like to extend this invitation for you to join us as we journey through the 33 Series. Listed are the dates and topics…

Schedule: All session are from 7:30 am-8:30 am


4- Session 1 The man and His design

18- Session 2 A man and his story


1- Session 3 A man and his traps

15- Session 4 A man and his work

29- Session 5 A man and his marriage


6- Session 6 A man and his fatherhood

Cost- The subsidized cost of the book is $10 each and we only have a limited supply, so it will be first in, first serve.

To register please click on the link below:—Mens-Virtual-Missional-Groups.aspx


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