Tag: Church Notices


Farewell to Pastor Sam

Plan to join a virtual live-streamed Willowdale farewell to Pastor Sam on Sabbath, March 5 at 2:30 pm (with Zoom phone call-in also available). Meeting ID: 848 9008 1327 Passcode: 541593 Phone Number: (647) 558-0588 Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84890081327?pwd=OGJTM3ljYWZsa3hLVUpMeUNNT3hyUT09 If...

Registration for February 26 Worship Service

The registration form for the February 26 worship service is here. We remind everyone that if you are planning to come to church, you must submit one registration form per person, including children, relatives, or anyone coming to church with you. We also invite you to install COVID Alert from the...

Closures During Family Day

The virtual church office will be closed for the “Family Day” holiday, it will reopen on Tuesday, February 22 at 9:00 am. Similarly, there will be no Family Chat on that day.

Church Officer Nomination – Children’s Ministries Leader

Zorica Ivanovic is nominated to lead the Children's Ministries Department. The first read will take place during the worship service on February 19 and be voted on by the congregation on February 26.

Find Your Way Around the Book of Acts with GPS

GPS, the Bible Study that takes place every Sabbath afternoon, is coming to the end of their journey with the Gospel of Mark and are now inviting you for another journey as they explore the book of the Acts of Apostles. Join them as they are preparing themselves to...

