Tag: Church Notices

A Series on Jewish Festivals by the Richmond Hill Church

The Richmond Hill church will be hosting a six-part online series on the Jewish Festivals in Lev. 23 – their significance and meaning for then and now, their relation to Jesus, and the Gospel in them.
The series is both educational, inspirational, and participatory (on Oct. 2, see below). ...

A Family Looking for a Place in the GTA

A Canadian man and his teenage son need a place to stay in the GTA for at least one month as they become re-established in Canada.  The family is well-known to Pastor Jake from Barrie.  They had recently moved to Brazil, but the wife/mother died unexpectedly, and the husband/father...

Looking to Rent a Room?

Cheryl, one of our church members has a bedroom to rent in a house in the south end of Barrie. It could be on a short-term (3 months or less) or longer-term (more than 3 months) basis. Female preferred. The house is within walking distance of a bus stop and supermarkets. For...

Pastoral Family Welcome – Pastor Travis Kwon

Please plan to join us on Sabbath, September 3 at 3:00 pm for a Willowdale welcome for Pastor Travis Kwon and family. We will be live streaming the event with Zoom phone call-in also available. Meeting ID: 875 8799 4632 Passcode: 473732 ...

Communion Service on Sabbath, September 10, 2022

On Sabbath, September 10th, our divine service will include Communion. For those who are not attending in person, we are providing individual Communion emblems and juice. If you are watching virtually you may pick yours during regular church office hours.

