Plan to join our special Christmas program on December 23, 2023. The Church Service will start at 10:00 am and be led by the Youth Department. We will then experience our Christmas Fellowship from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and ask that everyone bring their favorite Christmas treats. Finally,...
It's time to clear closets and shelves! On November 26, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., a bin in the parking lot will help ministry leaders throw away the clutter we've accumulated over the years. Please make sure to help with this "spring" cleaning operation.
The Church Board has recommended the following membership transfers:
To Willowdale
Igor, Natasha, and Patricia Kolesnik from Toronto Slavic International Adventist
Olga and Vladimir Tchaplinski from Toronto Slavic International Adventist
The name will be first read to the church during the worship service on November...
Pastor Jake’s farewell program will be on November 18. If you wish to make a monetary contribution, please do so by marking it on your envelope. Once again, we ask that the congregation contribute to the potluck that will take place after the service.
To ensure a wholesome meal after...