The ABC Mobile Bookstore will be at CAA and Downsview church on Wednesday, March 6.
Wednesday March 6 - 2:30 - 4:00 PM - Crawford Academy - 531 Finch Ave. West Toronto
Wednesday March 6 - 5:00 - 7:00 PM - Downsview -...
The Church Board has recommended the following membership transfers:
Out of Willowdale
Shiane and Shellane Elliott to Windsor Adventist Church
Natividade Lobo to Portuguese Adventist Church
To Willowdale
Glenn & Michelle DeSilva from College Park Adventist Church, Oshawa
The name will be first...
The Ontario Conference is pleased to announce that you can now order online it's first ever Seniors’ Devotional Book (testimonies by our Ontario Conference seniors) at a very discounted price ($4.99) online through the link below or from the ABC Christian Bookstore. Please order soon while supplies last.
For in-store...
Children’s Ministries is looking for Sabbath School teachers in the Juniors (grades 5-6) class. If you are willing to help please connect with Mala Conroy.