Willowdale members Kelechi and Judith Emeonye are looking to rent a 2-bedroom apartment, possibly close to the church. If you know of such opportunity, please reach out to them at (437) 234-8605.
Our worship on Sabbath, March 30, will include the Communion Service. The foot-washing service has resumed. For those who wish to take part virtually, you can pick up your communion emblems from the church office during regular office hours.
The Women's Ministry series "A Few Moments With Jesus" will take place on Tuesday, March 26 at 7:30 p.m.
Learn more and attend A Few Moments With Jesus
The church clean-up will occur on Sunday, March 17 at 9 a.m. Come with gardening tools, gloves and ready to work. Many hands make light work, and community hours are available to our high school students.