All Church Activities

Community Health & Info Fair

The year's first Community Health & Info Fair (#CHIF) at Unison Health and Community Services Bathurst-Finch Hub is on Wednesday, January 22. Pap Tests and screening for Breast Cancer and Colorectal Cancer will be provided to community members. Visit the link below for more information: Community...

In Memoriam Pastor Larry Milliken

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Larry Milliken on Friday, January 3. He was a beloved husband, father, and grandfather, as well as a long-term pastor with a tremendous heart for people and a lifelong commitment to God's service. Larry began his ministry in Medicine...

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Needs You!

The PARL (Public Affairs and Religious Liberty) Department wants to know you better. We hope you will fill out this 18-question survey to help them in their ministry.
