We aim to close the digital divide among the members of our congregation. If some friends or relatives can't join our online streaming service, please tell them they can join by phone. They can call (647) 558-0588 and enter the meeting ID: 875 8799 4632.
Worship Service Program
Welcome, Offering...
Watch the Re-opening videos here
As our Church Board has considered the recommendations and diligent work of the Re-opening Committee, we have arrived at a re-opening date of Saturday, November 7, for the beginning of in-person, physically present, Sabbath morning worship services.
Please take note of these two very important points:
Please find this week’s children’s bulletins in preparation for the worship service on August 15. You can view them or print them directly from the website or download them using the link below.
Download the young children’s worship bulletin (3+)