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Resource and Webinars on Stewardship

Stewardship Resource “The Adventist Journey: Inspiration and Information for North America” (SEP 2021), “The Dynamic Steward” – September Issue (Uplifting Generosity During A Global Crisis), Fundraising Resources and Training Videos – go to (NAD/PSI) STEWARDSHIP OFFERTORY DEVOTIONAL VIDEO LINK: For Sabbath of September...

Singles Seminar at Hamilton East Seventh-day Adventist Church

We were recently made aware of a seminar for targeting singles held at the Hamilton East Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Conference Morning Prayer Session – Sabbath, September 11, 2021

Maria McClean invites us to a session of praying and sharing. Indeed, the director of Health and Prayer Ministries at the Conference is organizing this recurring meeting. Each session takes place on Sabbath, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. This week will be a presentation entitled FROM GANGS TO GOD -...
