
February featured books ON SALE!

Here's a list of books on sale this month.

Learning Opportunities from the North American Division’s Health Ministries

Please take note of these learning opportunities from NAD Health Ministries. Preserving Hope: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention All of us, and especially ministry leaders, need to understand signs of suicidal ideation, be able to ask questions that encourage discussion, and know where to direct individuals for specialized care. Join us...

Conference Morning Prayer Session – Sabbath, February 6, 2020

Maria McClean invites us to a session of praying and sharing. Indeed, the director of Health and Prayer Ministries at the Conference is organizing this recurring meeting. Each session takes place on Sabbath, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. This week will be a presentation by Ilyn Clarke, R.N. on her double-lung...
