
Communion Service on December 10

On Sabbath, December 10th, our divine service will include Communion. For those who are not attending in person, we are providing individual emblems and juice. If you are watching virtually, you may pick yours up during regular church office hours.

Deacon – Deaconess Convention

Deacon and Deaconess’ Virtual Convention. We will go live on our YouTube on Friday, 25th of November.  Encourage all to be present, and please do all you can to assist them in accessing the site. There will be zoom workshops on the Sabbath 26th afternoon between 4-6 p.m.; the...

Justice at the Table: In DRC, more than 1 in 4 people are hungry🌾🚨

ADRA Canada's "Justice at the Table" Campaign is in full swing, with over $240,000 raised to date! Willowdale has so far contributed $6,050 to that amount, and we anticipate that the total will increase.  If you wish to contribute here at Willowdale, you can do so by enclosing your...
