Tag: Youth & Young Adults Ministries

Adventist Virtual Global Camp Meeting

The first-ever Adventist Virtual Global Camp Meeting starts this Wednesday, May 19, and continues to Sunday, May 23, 2021. The event promises some of the best Adventist content from around the world. Free registration will grant access to: Hundreds of presentations, seminars, and workshops on discipleship, education,...

Youth Ministries Update – May 1st

Compassion Hope Line - hosted each Monday @ 6:30 pm - Hear and share testimonials, have prayer requests lifted, and receive a blessing through the Word (see flyer). Zoom login: https://bit.ly/AYO_Compassion_Meetings⠀⠀ YA's Deep Dive Forum - Sabbath, May 1st @ 10:00 am...

WWWJ Evangelism Assignment and Mother’s Day Concert

Here's a message from the Conference. Thanks to those who attended the Walking and Working With Jesus (WWWJ) evangelism training event held last April 4, 2021. The next training is set for June 6, 2021 at 3-5 pm. Please use the same Zoom link to log in. Assignements for WWWJ Participants ...

Youth Week of Spiritual Emphasis

We're less than a week away from the launch of our Conference-wide Youth Week of Spiritual Emphasis which will proceed for a full week (April 10th to 17th). This initiative is provided for all youth and young adults of all ages (13-35+) from the churches and public campuses of...

[Update] Youth Ministries Update

Here are a few upcoming events for the youth. Teens Friday Night Live! - Friday, April 9 @ 6:30 pm via Zoom - ALL teens of Ontario invited to this authentic conversation on spirituality and relationships (see flyer). Zoom login:https://zoom.us/j/97885539669 Compassion Hope Line -hosted Mondays @ 6:30 pm - Hear and...

