Tag: Sabbath School Ministries

Sabbath School Facilitators Training on March 22

All Sabbath School facilitators should plan to attend the training session on March 22 at 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. There will be a light lunch after the worship service. Attendees should review the booklet and complete the assignments before the training session.

Sabbath School Training

The department would like to hold a follow-up training on Sabbath, January 25, at 2 PM in the Sanctuary. Please save the date.

Sabbath School Facilitators Training

On November 23, at 3:00 p.m., the Sabbath School Ministries will offer a formal training program for all the Sabbath school facilitators/teachers. Everyone is invited to attend. The objective is to enhance the techniques, skills, and knowledge of the Sabbath School teachers and to re-energize the Sabbath School classes. We...

2024 Do It Together Sabbath School Conference

The Sabbath School Department of the North American Division is hosting the  2024 Do It Together Sabbath School Conference, which will be held from September 12 to 14, 2024. This virtual event aims to bring Sabbath School leaders together, add value to your Sabbath School ministry, and discuss some...

Sabbath School Alive Starts April 6

Sabbath School Alive starts next Sabbath, April 6. Here are the new Sabbath School classes. Class 1 – Sanctuary By the Piano Class 2 – Sanctuary Piano-side Middle Class 3 – Sanctuary Piano-side Back Class 4 –...

