Tag: Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Conference Morning Prayer Session – Sabbath, December 10, 2022

The Health and Prayer Ministries of the Ontario Conference invites us to a session of praying and sharing. This week, there will be a presentation by entitled “Remember to Give Thanks” with a focus on the healed leper who remembered. You can join by calling  (647) 558-0588, or (647) 374-4685, and...

Deacon – Deaconess Convention

Deacon and Deaconess’ Virtual Convention. We will go live on our Adventistontario.org YouTube on Friday, 25th of November.  Encourage all to be present, and please do all you can to assist them in accessing the site. There will be zoom workshops on the Sabbath 26th afternoon between 4-6 p.m.; the...

Ontario Conference Adult Sabbath School Teachers/Facilitators Association Meeting Postponed

The Ontario Conference Adult Sabbath School Teachers/Facilitators Association Meeting scheduled for Sunday, November 13, 2022, has been postponed indefinitely. We will provide an update when more information is available.

Prison Ministry Convocation on November 12

The Ontario Conference supports the Prison Ministry, and many local church members are involved in special programs. Sabbath, November 12, marks the date for the convocation this year.

Adult Sabbath School Teachers/Facilitators Association Meeting

The Sabbath School Director of the Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church invites Sabbath School superintendents and teachers to attend their second teachers' association meeting, which will be held on Sunday, October 30, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. There will be discussions on the challenges teachers...

