Tag: Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Update: Virtual Sabbath School Leadership Convention

Update, Friday, March 10, 2023 Here's the schedule of events for tomorrow. Original copy, February 28, 2023 The Virtual Sabbath School Leadership Convention will occur between March 11 and 12. Register today by clicking here

Ontario Adventist High School Band Festival

The first Ontario Adventist High School Band Festival - a collaboration between Kingsway College and Crawford Adventist Academy - will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Apple Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church.

OCLEA Prayer Vigil – March 3, 2023

The Ontario Conference calls all OCLEA members to pray for the Annual prayer vigil.  We can never pray too much nor gather together too often in prayer, as Paul admonishes us to do as we come closer to the coming of our Lord and Saviour. Plan to join in for OCLEA's Prayer...

Update: All Schedules and Links for the Virtual Ministry Leadership Training

Update, February 10, 2023 The Ontario Conference Virtual Training for Ministry Leaders continues on Sabbath, February 11, from 4 – 6:30 pm.  This time is divided into two sessions, with several areas of training included in each session.  Many of the workshops which were presented three weeks ago on January...

OCASSTA Meeting on January 29

The next Ontario Conference Adult Sabbath School Teachers and Facilitators Association (OCASSTA) meeting will occur on Sunday, January 29. All Sabbath School leaders are invited to attend. Click here to register

