Tag: Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Ontario Conference Young Adults Ministry Camp

The Ontario Conference Young Adults Ministry will hold a camp in the Muskoka Woods on November 10 to 12, 2023. Register for the event

Update: Week of Prayer: November 4 – 11

Update, November 1, 2023 Here are the Zoom information for the Week of Prayer meeting. Zoom Link Meeting ID: 884 5761 2015 Passcode: 033346 Original publication, October 20, 2023 The Ontario Conference invites all churches to dedicate November 4-11, 2023, to the Week...

Ontario’s 2023 Missional Calendar

Below is the Conference's missional calendar for the remainder of 2023. These events were planned with much prayer and thoughtfulness to foster personal spiritual growth, unity, and church growth.

Burman Scholarship from Union and Conferences

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada and Canadian Conferences have partnered to offer a $2,000 scholarship to any first-time new or transfer student (Canadian citizen or permanent resident) enrolling at Burman University for a full course load.  Application for the scholarship is made through the local conference.

Ontario Conference Winter Coat Initiative

The Ontario Conference Winter Coat Initiative for refugees is still on!  New adult winter coats, along with winter accessories such as scarfs, mittens, hats, and underwear may be dropped off at the church during office hours or on Sabbaths.  All donations need to be received by Saturday, September 16...

