Tag: Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

ABC April Food Price List

Here are the ABC Christian Bookstore food list for the month of April.

ABC April Book Sales

Here are the ABC Christian Bookstore book sales for the month of April.

Strong Together Fitness Program

STRONG TOGETHER is a 6-week workout journey with Hope Inspired Fitness starting April 12 - May 17, 2021.  $100 fee includes access to all virtual workouts, health devotionals, accountability check-in, weekly motivation message, break-through strategies & great opportunities for connection. *Women living in Ontario, Canada who complete at least...

Conference Morning Prayer Session – Sabbath, March 27, 2021

Maria McClean invites us to a session of praying and sharing. The director of Health and Prayer Ministries at the Conference is organizing this recurring meeting. Each session takes place on Sabbath, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. This week, the Conference is hosting a presentation by Greg R, Cyber Security...

[Update] Youth Ministries Update

Here are a few upcoming events for the youth. Teens Friday Night Live! - Friday, April 9 @ 6:30 pm via Zoom - ALL teens of Ontario invited to this authentic conversation on spirituality and relationships (see flyer). Zoom login:https://zoom.us/j/97885539669 Compassion Hope Line -hosted Mondays @ 6:30 pm - Hear and...

