The registration for the Conference's Men’s Weekend at Frenda is open. This will be done through Gillian Pitt, the office secretary. Her contact information is:
Tel: 905 571 1022 ext. 219 (leave a message and she will get back to you)
Email: [email protected]
Space will be limited so please book early.
Every Tuesday, the Ontario Conference holds a virtual dementia support group at 7:30 pm. Please find the Zoom information below.
Meeting ID: 999 3540 3868
Passcode: 657318
Phone Number: (647) 558-0588
Maria McClean invites us to a session of praying and sharing. Indeed, the director of Health and Prayer Ministries at the Conference is organizing this recurring meeting. Each session takes place on Sabbath, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. This week will be PRAYER AND PRAISE with a focus on ANIMALS...
The virtual Southern Ontario Camp Meeting is taking place this weekend, June 3 to 5. The region of Southern Ontario is inviting the world to its camp meeting unpacking the secrets of enduring faith in these last days. All weekend, attendees will be inspired by messages from speakers from...
Dr. James Zackrison will be the presenter for this required course on Learning Process and Learning Styles (ES 03), beginning on June 12th.
Click here to register:Â Meeting Registration - Zoom