Watch the Blast From the Past concert. Traditionally, Willowdale Church holds a concert at the end of what we often call the school-year. It's a time of reflection before we all leave for the summer or organize ourselves for the "back-to-school" season. Physical distancing forbids us to hold such...
The Willowdale Highschool Virtual Choir sings How Great Is Our God. Because of physical distancing, they all had to record themselves separately. They then stitched the video to produce something truly remarkable. We know this song will be a blessing to you.
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Jaden Singh offers us a beautiful rendition of Redeemer. Through the magic of video editing, we see and hear him play both the piano and saxophone. It is moving and we know you will enjoy this young member of our congregation sharing his talent.
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Pastor Romando Carey sings The Lord's Prayer. His beautiful and classical rendition will truly be a blessing. We can't wait to hear more from him.
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