Some streets near Finch Av. and Younge St. will be closed on Sabbath, September 21, during the RBC Race for the Kids. Please see the letter below to see if you are affected on your way to and from church.
The Church Board has recommended the following membership transfers:
Out of Willowdale
Julka Stanic to St. Tomas Adventist Church in Ontario
Into Willowdale
Gener & Shane Romero from First Filipino Adventist Church
The name will be first read to the church during the worship service on...
Update, September 5, 2024
The Nominating Committee will meet on Sabbath, September 7, at 1 p.m. in room 204.
Original publication, May 23, 2024
Here are the names that would be part of the nominating committee. They will first be read on Sabbath, May 25, and voted on June 8.
We call every capable man to help pick up the pews on Sunday, September 8, at noon. This is an urgent appeal as we desperately need to start assembling them. We also need a second team at 3:00 p.m. to unload. Please contact Marc if you are available.