An Adventist female student from Jamaica will begin studies in the area in January 2023. She is looking to find a place to rent where she can live with people of the Adventist faith. If you have a potential place of accommodation for this student, you can obtain her...
What's Happening?
Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will hold a virtual Together with God Camp Meeting. Running Friday evening, August 5, and all-day Sabbath, August 6, it will be a chance to reflect on the awesomeness of God, His goodness toward us, and our calling as His followers. As...
Update July 22, 2022
Time: 8:00 pm
Date: Saturday, July 23
Location: Crawford field
Worship Topic: "Faith of the Centurion"
Extra notes: There will be snacks, activities, and games. And since we will be...
Brenda Hall ([email protected]) and her family are looking to rent out their home to another Seventh-day Adventist family. It's a 4-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom house in the Victoria Park/Finch area of North York. Newly renovated with an eat-in kitchen and a garden with fruit trees. Close to TTC, Seneca College and shopping...