Tag: Church Notices

Kettering Health Recruitment

On November 17 and 18, 2022 the Seventh-day Adventist Health Network, "Kettering Health", will be hosting an interview event at the Ontario Science Centre. They are located in Southwest Ohio and will be in Toronto next week for recruitment.

Membership Transfers for November 2022

The following membership transfers out of Willowdale have been recommended by the Church Board: Ryan Kruger and Charles & Vicki Mellish to St. Catherines Smilja Mursic to Toronto Yugoslavian The name will be first read to the church during the worship service on November...

Social Committee International Christmas Concert

Social Committee is having an International Christmas Concert on December 10 at 6:00 pm. Willowdale is very diverse and we are trying to include as many acts as possible sharing Christmas songs from all around the globe. If you are interested in being one of the acts please contact...

Community Service Coat Drive & Baby Baskets

The Community Service team would like to express its appreciation for the ongoing donation for the Coat d Drive and Baby Baskets. As a church, we have blessed many families with your generosity. Please continue to donate to both causes, as the need for these items is still present. May...

New Children Sabbath School Classes

We are happy to announce that our Children’s and Youth Sabbath School Classes are now able to return to pre-pandemic levels.  Please take careful note of the updated list of classes with accompanying age/grade qualifications.  Remember that the Sabbath School program begins at 10 am in the Sanctuary for...

