GPS – Gods Positioning System will restart next Sabbath, September 23, at 5:30 pm via Zoom. We are starting with the book of Revelation. With our world’s economic instability, natural disasters, and wars, we are faced with tremendous questions. Let us explore what God’s guidance says. All are invited.
Update, September 12, 2023
Child care will be available in the Upper Room during the meeting.
Original publication, September 7, 2023
Willowdale members are encouraged to plan to attend a Church Business Meeting on Saturday, September 16, at 6:15 p.m. to provide information on a planned ongoing rental of the church building...
Our worship on Sabbath, September 16, will include the Communion Service. The foot-washing service has resumed. For those who wish to take part virtually, you can pick up your communion emblems from the church office during regular office hours.
We have received notice from the family of Ken Woodhouse that he passed away on Friday, September 1st. As an individual who attended Willowdale from time to time, the family wished to invite those in the congregation who knew him to attend the visitation and/or memorial service on Monday,...
A female Adventist international student who has just arrived in Canada to attend the Schulich School of Business at York University is struggling to find suitable temporary or more permanent accommodation. She is seeking individuals in the congregation who may be able to offer advice, recommendations, or even a...