Tag: Church Notices

Church Officer Nomination – March 2024

Here is a church officer nomination recommended by the board: Gedion Bailey & Jaden Singh for the Music Committee The first reading will take place during the worship service on March 16 and will be voted on by the congregation on March 23.

Membership Transfers for March 2024

The Church Board has recommended the following membership transfers: Out of Willowdale Sandra Godsoe to Rest Haven Adventist Church in Sidney, BC Stedbert Thomas to the Seventh-day Adventist Church at Maranatha, Jamaica The name will be first read to the church during the worship service...

3 New Spring Ministries

Following Pastor Glenn's message this week in the Pastor's Corner, we are announcing the launch of three new ministries: Spring Walking Club Community Garden Summer Soccer Club (May to June) Anyone interested should contact the church office.

Reminder: A Few Moments With Jesus on February 27

The Women's Ministry series "A Few Moments With Jesus" will take place on February 27 at 7:30 p.m. Learn more and attend A Few Moments With Jesus

Upcoming Church Potlucks

The Church Board has approved four church potlucks a year, or one per quarter. Our first one is scheduled for March 16. More details will follow on how to participate. The Church Board has also approved Ministry Potlucks, which means that a ministry leader can have a meal with their...

