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Canadian AdventistGiving Online Instructions

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada created a tutorial to help all of us use the AdventistGiving online system. Reconnecting with God is about trusting Him. And one way we do that is by being faithful in tithes and offering. After watching the video, you can click on Online...

The Pilgrim’s Progress in Eight New Languages!

The FREE online showing of The Pilgrim’s Progress movie continues to grow. Indeed, it now has more than 150,000 people registered to watch and share this inspiring story! We are excited to announce that eight new languages have just been added to the online theater. Additionally, millions more can now watch the story of...

Memorial Service for Richard Kruger

Our sincere sympathies to the Kruger family as they grapple with their grief on the passing of Richard Kruger last Thursday, April 2. Please remember them in your prayers. A virtual memorial service will take place on Sunday, April 12 at 3:30 pm via Zoom. Those who would like to...
