All Church Activities


Special Music – Praise You In the Storm

Sue offers a powerful rendition of the song "Praise You In the Storm". As we all go through storms, her performance is both uplifting and moving. Watch more musical performances

COVID-19 Relief Offering for ADRA Canada

ADRA Canada is launching a COVID-19 Relief Offering appeal on August 1. Any loose or undesignated offering received between July 26 – August 1 will go to Willowdale Church Budget. Additionally, along with your faithful giving to our local church, we encourage you to also consider the broader ministries and needs...

Children’s Worship Bulletins – August 1st, 2020

Please find this week’s children’s bulletins in preparation for the worship service on July 11. You can view them or print them directly from the website or download them using the link below. Download the young children’s worship bulletin (3+) ...
