All Church Activities

Labor Day 2020: Office Closed, Family Chat Postponed

September 7 is Labor Day 2020! As a result, the office will open Tuesday, September 8. Similarly, Family Chat will not take place on that day. Instead, it will resume on Monday, September 14, 2020, at 7 PM.

Sabbath, September 5, 2020 – All Programs and Announcements

We aim to close the digital divide among the members of our congregation. If some friends or relatives can't join our online streaming service, please tell them they can join by phone. They can call (647) 558-0588 and enter the meeting ID: 875 8799 4632. Worship Service Program Welcome, Offering...

#TipTuesday – Trust

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. - Proverbs 3:5 More #TipTuesday
