All Church Activities


Welcome Pastor Romando Carey

We would like to offer a warm welcome to Pastor Romando Carey. He will be our new Field Experience Pastor. As a result, he will be working in our church for the next six weeks as part of his ministerial studies. Contact our pastoral staff

Conference Morning Prayer Session – May 30, 2020

Maria McClean, Director, Health and Prayer Ministries, invites us to a session of praying and sharing this Sabbath. The session will take place from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. There will be a presentation by Tracey Watt on Managing And Understanding Mental Health Concerns During The COVID-19 Pandemic (Part 2). You...

#TipTuesday – Cleanses

Jesus alone cleanses from sin: He only can forgive our transgressions - Ellen White Check out our other #TipTuesday
