All Church Activities


Be The Salt, Not Salty

Pastor Sam explores the notion that we ought to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13) and that we are called to flavor, amplify, motivate, as well as lift up. Salt is actually a recurring theme in the Bible. Can you guess all Scripture references Pastor Sam makes...

Master Guide Seminar on Discipline

Master Guides in training will be able to attend a seminar on discipline as part of their requirements. Please find more details below. Topic: Master Guide Discipline Seminar Time: May 17, 2020, 12 PM Toronto Time Meeting...

Sabbath, May 16, 2020

Worship Service Program Welcome remarks: Fitzroy Elliott Children’s Story: Alden Cudanin and Pastor Samuel Sinnanainar Special Music: Keziah Acab Sermon: Pastor Samuel Sinnanainar Sermon Title: Feeding the Soil Sabbath Morning Activities Conference morning prayer Sabbath School Classes Sabbath Afternoon Activities Pathfinders Club Meeting GPS Bible Study
