All Church Activities

Be Ready: 4 Short Sermons for 1 Powerful Calling.

Last Sabbath was Youth Sabbath, and we had the privilege of listening to a four-part sermon on being ready for God. How Are We Preparing? The first presenter, Nicholas, looked at how we are preparing ourselves for God's calling. God's plan for us is for our benefit. Nicholas looked at the...

Sabbath, June 20, 2020 – Programs and Announcements

Worship Service Program Welcome & Announcements Pastor Romando Carey Offering Call Pastor Romando Carey Prayer Pastor Romando Carey Children’s Story Pastor Romando Carey Scripture Micah 6:8 Special Music Abigail Mathi-Amorim Sermon Pastor Jagos Ivanovic Sermon Title What on earth am I doing here…? Part 2 Benediction Pastor Romando Carey ...

Postponed: Blast From the Past Concert

The Blast From the Past Concert initially scheduled for next week will now take place on the evening of June 20, 2020. The Youth is still in charge of the worship service tomorrow morning, and we ask that you invite your friends and relatives and join our live stream...
