All Church Activities


Special Music – How Great Is Our God

The Willowdale Highschool Virtual Choir sings How Great Is Our God. Because of physical distancing, they all had to record themselves separately. They then stitched the video to produce something truly remarkable. We know this song will be a blessing to you. Watch more musical numbers

#TipTuesday – Humility

Humility and meekness are in accordance with the life of Christ, but they are to be shown in a dignified way. - Ellen G. White, Christian Experience and Teachings, p. 74 Check other uplifting messages, such as #MotivationMonday

Children’s Worship Bulletins – June 20, 2020

Please find this week’s children’s bulletins in preparation for the worship service on June 20. You can view them or print them directly from the website or download them using the link below. Download the young children’s worship bulletin (3+) ...
