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#MotivationMonday – One Prayer Away

I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. - Psalms 120:1 More #MotivationMonday inspirational scripture

Update: Zooming on the Concert of the Ontario Conference Day of Virtual Praise and Worship

Update July 16, 2020 The Sabbath School program of the Ontario Conference "Day of Worship" camp meeting will have four segments: 2 segments For children 1 section for young adults 1 section for adults Please note that all these segments will take...

Moving – A Sermon

Pastor Godsoe talks about faith. A moving faith. Indeed, the faith that comes from moving as Abraham himself demonstrated. it's a thought-provoking message. It's also a wonderful invitation to have a real introspection about the status of our relationship with our Savior. More sermons from Pastor...
