All Church Activities


Sabbath, August 14, 2021 – Live Stream, Programs, and Announcements

We aim to close the digital divide among the members of our congregation. If some friends or relatives can't join our online streaming service, please tell them they can join by phone. They can call (647) 558-0588 and enter the meeting ID: 875 8799 4632 with the Passcode: 473732. Worship...

Outside Meetings on the Church Premises

The Church Board has voted to make provision for outside meetings on the church premises available under the following guidelines: Attendance at any outside meeting will be by pre-registration only, based on the same registration process already in place for our Sabbath worship services.  The Communications...

Stewardship Resources

Here are resources to help us be better stewards. SUBSCRIBE TO FINANCIAL LITERACY NEWSLETTER GOVERNMENT OF CANADA: e-LEARNING VIDEO ON FINANCE FOR OUR CHURCH MEMBERS #1 Understanding Credit by FCAC (Financial Consumer Agency of Canada) Video Learning Link: FREE WEBINARS...
