All Church Activities


Sabbath, August 06, 2022 – Live Stream, Program, Bulletin

We aim to close the digital divide among the members of our congregation. If some friends or relatives can't join our online streaming service, please tell them they can join by phone. They can call (647) 558-0588 and enter the meeting ID: 875 8799 4632 with the Passcode: 473732. Morning...

Last ADRA Greeting Card Left

Here's an announcement from Daryl Dooks, ADRA Ambassador for Willowdale. "Daryl Dooks wishes to express his appreciation to everyone who purchased cards and donated to the ADRA Greeting Card Project.  The project has raised close to $1200, and the good news is there are two boxes of cards left for...

Closed for Civic Holiday

The church office will close on Monday, August 1 for the Civic Holiday. The church office will reopen on Tuesday, August 2 from 8:45 AM to 4:45 PM.
