All Church Activities


ADRA Justice at the Table in Moldova

The war in Ukraine has dragged on for nearly a year. Neighboring Moldova, one of Europe’s poorest countries, has been warmly welcoming Ukrainian refugees. Many are among the most vulnerable such as children, the elderly, and those living with disabilities. ADRA is supporting Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, as well as...

Watch the Annual Church Business Meeting, Read the Reports

All Willowdale Church Members are invited and requested to attend and participate in our Annual Church Business Meeting scheduled for Saturday, January 28, beginning at 5:10 pm in the Sanctuary.  While the meeting will be live-streamed, and those members viewing the live-stream feed will be able to participate with...

Church Officer Nominations

Amanda Deeb Katreeb is nominated for Children’s Ministries Assistant Leader Yong-Da Cai is nominated for Deacon Team Leader Melinda Solomon is nominated for Elder The first read will take place during the worship service on January 14 and be voted...
