All Church Activities

OCASSTA Meeting on January 29

The next Ontario Conference Adult Sabbath School Teachers and Facilitators Association (OCASSTA) meeting will occur on Sunday, January 29. All Sabbath School leaders are invited to attend. Click here to register

OPMASDA Annual Meeting 2023

On behalf of Dr Reynold Hazelwood and the Ontario Prison Ministries Association of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (OPMASDA) Executive Committee, you are invited to attend the OPMASDA Annual Meeting 2023 on Sunday, February 12, from 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon. This meeting will be virtual, and the zoom details are...

Free Seniors Presentation at Forestview Retirement Residence

A free presentation is being offered by Forestview Retirement Residence, our seniors' residence. This presentation will offer advice on transitioning to a retirement home and advice for seniors looking to make their homes safer if they stay at home longer.
