
District School Board Constituency Meeting

The District School Board Constituency meeting originally scheduled for May has been postponed until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Delegates will be notified of the new date for the meeting once it has been confirmed. Check out more church notices

A Compassion Clinic

David Cho, who many in our church know for his heath talks, wants to raise awareness around the Compassion Health Toronto Virtual Clinic, a free virtual clinic by Adventist health professionals and young people offering telemedicine consultations to reach out to our community during the ongoing pandemic. The services...

Hosting Madona

Can you host Madona? William and Emmeline Nelson, an Adventist couple from New York, as a continuation of several years of mission work in Haiti, are planning to sponsor a young lady named Madona, to study in Toronto beginning in August. Madona became an Adventist about four years ago...
