

#ThrowbackThursday – Adornment

On July 12, 2014, Pastor Richard Roschman started his sermon on adornment provocatively. Indeed, he wondered if anyone in the audience ever became upset become others didn't see things the way they did. It was thus an interesting introduction to a complex topic on humility and how Christians dress. ...

#WellnessWednesday – Cheerful Heart

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. - Proverbs 17:22 More #WellnessWednesday verses

Apply for Tutoring Positions in After-School Programs

The Community Service department at Willowdale Church is considering offering an online after-school program for grades 4 to 10. As a result, we are looking for individuals with skills in Math, English, Science, and Music to see if there is an interest. There would be some form of remuneration....
