
Protect Yourself Against Spams and Scams

The Ontario Conference is helping seniors protect themselves against spams and scams by phone and email. They ask that people avoid giving personal info, account number and that they do not click on email links, as well as cellphone text links, before checking first if it’s legitimate. Please find below...

School of Evangelism Graduation

The School of Evangelism Graduation will take place on Sunday, November 22. The Willowdale Church Family commends and congratulates our own Norma Allen, Claudette Charles, and McDonald Enmore as they graduate on Sunday as a part of the Ontario Conference School of Evangelism class of 2019-2020. See the graduation...

Second Reading for Membership Transfer of Naomi Araka

On Sabbath, November 21, the second reading for the membership transfer of Naomi Araka in to Willowdale Church from Ruai Township Church, Nairobi, Kenya will take place during our worship service.  Anyone wishing to refer the recommended transfer back to the Church Board should notify Pastor Godsoe before the...
