
New Adult Sabbath School Options

Beginning Sabbath, June 4, the following Adult Sabbath School Class Options will be available: In-person Classes Class 1 – Sanctuary Piano-side Front (Frank Enniss) Class 3 – Sanctuary Piano-side Back (Enmore – Whyte) Class 4 – Sanctuary Under Balcony (Godfrey Gutu) ...

Teacher Job Postings

The following positions are currently available with the Ontario Conference Office of Education: Part-time French Teacher for Adventist Christian Elementary School Elementary Principal for Crawford Adventist Academy Elementary Grades K-8 French Teacher for Crawford Adventist Academy Elementary ...

Emotional Prosperity Virtual Symposium

The Health Ministries' Advisory of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada will hold a virtual symposium on emotional prosperity on May 28, 2022, from 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM. Attendance is free.
