Men’s Virtual Missional Groups to Start Oct 4


As was shared with you last week, we are embarking on this journey of discovery, accountability, and camaraderie as we seek out the true meaning of being a Godly man.

We would like to extend this invitation for you to join us as we journey through the 33 Series. Listed are the dates and topics…

Schedule: All session are from 7:30 am-8:30 am


4- Session 1 The man and His design

18- Session 2 A man and his story


1- Session 3 A man and his traps

15- Session 4 A man and his work

29- Session 5 A man and his marriage


6- Session 6 A man and his fatherhood

Cost- The subsidized cost of the book is $10 each and we only have a limited supply, so it will be first in, first serve.

To register please click on the link below:—Mens-Virtual-Missional-Groups.aspx


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