Last Sabbath, we were blessed as a congregation to have Edith Habaras, the Ontario Conference Prayer Ministries Director, speak to us concerning the importance of personal prayer and midweek corporate prayer. Edith’s message was spirit-filled, insightful, and very practical. My prayer is that because of hearing the message last Sabbath, each one of us during 2025 will desire to spend more time talking with Jesus and praying for one another.
As I write, I find myself sick in bed and hopefully my comments will make sense to those who read this latest Pastor’s Corner. For those who have participated in the “10 Days of Prayer,” we have experienced tremendous blessings over the last few days by attending this worldwide seven-day church initiative. We have learned some valuable tips on prayer, such as praying in Jesus’ name accepting the authority and expecting blessings when you call upon that name, being specific in your prayer request, and learning to praise God in the waiting periods of your prayer request. Another tip from the “10 Days of Prayer” is that not only should we talk with Jesus, but we must also learn to listen to the “still small voice” that speaks back to us through the reading and internalizing of scripture, providential leadings, and godly people that God has placed in our lives. Thank you once again to our Prayer Ministry team for all your efforts, you are appreciated!
Some may ask, what’s next after the “10 Days of Prayer”? Starting Wednesday evening, January 22 at 7 p.m. on Willowdale’s midweek Zoom account, we will begin a new series entitled “The Exodus Journey.” Author and speaker Elizabeth Viera Talbot (Jesus Wins!) will invite us to choose trust over anxiety on our way to the Promised Land. As Adventists, we know that our early Adventist pioneers penned the phrase “promise land” as a synonym for Heaven. We will retrace the steps of the Old Testament Israelite slaves, freed from Egyptian bondage, and on their way to the promised land. Did you know that the journey should have taken two weeks but instead it took forty years? There are indeed parallel lessons for us to learn in 2025, as we retrace their steps in scripture and endeavor to escape the roadblocks and pitfalls that hindered their entrance into the promised land. God desires for each one of us to escape the temporal comforts of the here and now and prepare for sweet Beulah Land.
Next week Michelle and I will be on vacation. Please reach out to Pastor Henry and Pastor Kim if a need arises, that you should require pastoral assistance. Shalom.
Pastor Glenn DeSilva