Update, November 14, 2023
The viewing and funeral service will take place at the Scarborough Seventh-day Adventist Church on November 23, starting at 9:30 a.m. More information on her obituary page.
Original publication on November 9, 2023
The Willowdale family is saddened by the passing Miss Lily Walker this morning. She was an important part of our Adventurer and Pathfinder clubs for many years. We do not have more details at this point.

I’m very saddened by the news of the passing of Ms Lily Walker affectionately known as Sister Lily, a strong stalwart for Jesus Christ and a vital part of the Adventurer and Pathfinder family. She was instrumental in the teaching of my daughter in Junior Kindergarten at Crawford Adventist Academy. She will be greatly missed. Sleep on beloved sleep on, sleep on and take your rest as you await your Saviour in the first resurrection. Goodbye and good night Lily.