Pastor’s Corner: Transitions!

Pastor Glenn DeSilva

The DeSilva home is quiet. Michelle and I have officially become empty nesters. Mackenzie graduated last weekend from Kingsway College, and we are so proud of her academic achievements and resilient spirit in the face of adversity and challenges. Mackenzie entered high school on a black screen due to COVID and departed as a grade 12 graduate marching in full regalia in front of a packed Kingsway gym auditorium. As parents, we know that God has great plans for our Mackie. Both Mackenzie and Ethan are presently working at Camp Frenda as summer camp counselors, and we will see both at the end of August, just before they both head off for their respective universities. Mackenzie will be a freshman at Andrews University, and Ethan will be returning to Southern Adventist University as a Junior. Transitions!

As you enter church this Sabbath, you will realize that we are in the middle of a renovation season or transition at Willowdale. The tiling of the upper church lobby is complete, and the youth chapel has also been painted to match the color scheme of the fellowship hall. Many other renovation projects are planned for this summer, and the décor committee has been busily meeting and making selections, recognizing that they represent the entire church when they make their choices. Once again, a giant shout out to Marc Marcos and Mervyn Lewis for all the hard work that they and their team members have done. Transitions!

VBS/X is right around the corner, and the Children’s Ministry Department is abuzz with activity. As I entered Willowdale on Monday morning, I was greeted with freshly painted decorations for the program, prepared by a volunteer team. The work was truly artistically incredible. To the volunteer team, congrats on a job well done! The Children’s Ministry workroom has become a control center of planning, and I sense an atmosphere of excitement as the VBS/X week draws near. I have no doubt for the parents who have signed their children up that July 8-12 will be a week of blessings, and memories will be made. My greatest desire is that some young child, because of this week, will make a permanent decision to follow Jesus for the rest of his/her life. Transitions!

On Sabbath, following the church worship service, the nominating committee will begin their work by sharing a meal, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and then selecting officers to fulfill volunteer positions in our church. This process is so important because without volunteers using their spiritual gifts in service for God and others, the church as we know it would cease to exist. This nominating committee has a cross-section of the membership and includes several youths and young adults. I pray that this initial introduction to how the church functions will be educational and, most importantly, spiritually inspiring. I want our young people to know they have a role to play in advancing God’s work in the church and on earth. Transitions!

Finally, summer is here, and people will be traveling. Many will enjoy a much-needed family vacation during the warm summer months.  Whether your trip is to a campground in Ontario, a Pathfinder trip to Gillette, Wyoming, or a vacation overseas, remember that Willowdale is your home, and there is no place like home. Enjoy and have a safe family vacation, and remember that Willowdale is not the same without you. Finally, take note that we have a church picnic scheduled for July 21 at Earl Bales Park, and the old saying is true, “the church that prays and plays together stays together.” Marantha!

Pastor Glenn DeSilva


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